Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers Conference

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I was honored to present two fall prevention workshops at the Annual KAAD (Kentucky Association of Adult Day Care Centers) conference in Lexington, KY. My first presentation discussed fall risk factors and the second presentation engaged participants in a fall prevention exercise routine. Kentucky has a strong system of adult day centers that provide both medical and social services to older adults in need and reducing the risk of falls is one of those needs. It was so exciting when Governor Steve Beshear, the Attorney General and the Secretary of State stopped in to say hello at the conference!

I have met some amazing people and learned a lot about thriving adult day centers. Unfortunately California's deplorable financial situation has led to the reduction and practical elimination of such centers. One has to wonder what will happen to older adults who cannot afford medical services, to families that are caring for an aging loved one, and older adults who are living in isolation. Adult day centers provide services that help older adults remain in their homes as well as provide respite for loved ones.

My fall prevention exercise series, Take 5 to Exercise, is a practical way to reduce fall risk. These educational DVDs guide the follower through seated stretching and strengthening exercises designed to reduce the risk of fall. The Take 5 to Exercise training principles are evidence-based and proven to work when followed consistently. As a result of the poor economy, I have drastically reduced the price of these fall prevention DVDs. Invest in your future by ordering the Complete Week of Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention exercise routines. Resistance band is included with your purchase! Click HERE to order.

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