Monday, October 29, 2012

Balance Training at Oak Avenue Free Methodist

I taught my first FallProof™ balance and mobility training session at the Oak Avenue Free Methodist Church in Orangevale, CA and I have to say this was one of the most enjoyable groups that I have ever taught!  The joy of Lord filled the room each and every class and the group did great.

We started with 8 participants; 6 women and 2 men.  One woman withdrew due to health issues and one of the men attended infrequently but gave it his all when he was there.  Everyone showed improvement in at least one of the fitness parameters associated with fall risk.

In fact, the most improved participant in class was a 74 year old gentleman. He increased his lower body strength by 15%, his dynamic balance and agility improved 45% and his lower body flexibility improved 19%.  In everyday life, he was able to do 2 more chair stands in 30 seconds, get up and walk around a cone 1.9 seconds faster and was able to reach 5.7 inches closer to his toes!  Yes, he improved his lower body flexibility by nearly 6 inches in only four weeks!!!!

I have to say that one lady beat the lower body flexibility improvement.  On the first day of testing, one 70-year old woman was 7.5 inches from her toes!  Her hamstrings were so tight, it severely affected her walking gait and increased her chance of falling.  After 4 weeks of homework and dedication, she was able to reach ONE INCH past her toes on the final testing day!  WOO-HOOO!

Praise the Lord~! 
This group showed dedication and determination to reduce the risk of a fall while improving balance and stability.  And they did a wonderful job of it!  It's never too late to improve your balance and with hard work and determination, you too can touch your toes one day!    

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