Monday, January 16, 2017

Swim your way to a strong and steady you!

Swimming is a great total body exercise;, the buoyancy of the water allows you to do movements that you cannot safely do on the ground.  Zero gravity results in less stress on your joints and movement is easier not to mention painfree while in the water.  Swimming laps is a great heart healthy, total body workout!

I have one client who was overweight.  She came to me because the excess weight was severely limiting her lifestyle.  The stiffness in her joints resulted in excruciating hip and knee pain which affected her ability to walk, stand and sit. As her pain progressed,  we started therapeutic exercises in the pool to get her joints moving in their full, pain-free range of motion again.

A 73 year-old retired nurse, my client knew something had to be done if she wanted to remain independent.  Bound and determined to lose weight, gain strength, increase flexibility, improve balance and live her life again, she started Kaiser's medically-supervised diet plan and got serious about her fitness program.  Her goal? To do what she is most passionate about; ballroom dancing!!!

Twice a week for four weeks, she would march the length of the pool; do side kicks, back kicks, and front kicks; ankle stretches, walk up and down the pool stairs, do upper body exercises using a resistance band to push and pull the strength and flexibility required in daily life, and then get on a recumbent bike to loosen up her knees by moving them in full range of motion.

Once the weight started to come off, her movement patterns became more fluid; more coordinated and less painful.  Fully prepared for weight-bearing exercises, we started a customized, machine-based strengthening program to build muscle and burn fat.  We met for 50-minutes, twice a week for three months.   We followed the principle of overload and I progressed the difficulty level of the exercises as her strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination continually improved.

My client and friend stayed focused on her goal and has lost nearly 30 pounds while increasing her strength, flexibility, mobility, and stability in epic proportions. (BIG BIG YAY FOR BARB!!!).   Has she 'bulked up'?  Heck no.  Ladies (and gentlemen), if you are over the age of 20, you do not have enough natural hormones in your body to "get big".  Lean muscle mass is hard to build; it takes consistent dedication, good form and good nutrition.  

My message today is sometimes we need to swim before we can walk.  Swimming requires your joints to move in full ranges of motion and your body to fire muscles in a coordinated pattern.  It's best to combine land-based movements with water exercise. If all you do is water exercises, you are not addressing the gravity factor on earth.   Life happens in reaction to these gravitational forces.

If you haven't been moving, start a seated stretching routine like my Take 5 to Exercise DVDs.  These are great seated movements designed to prepare your body for life.

To order my Take 5 to Exercise DVD with five complete seated exercise routines, click here:

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