Sunday, February 11, 2018

Feed Your Brain If You Want To Improve Balance

The feeding pattern of the brain is remarkable and it is my hope that once you understand what the brain needs to function and how the fuel is distributed to your body for use that you will be able to make more brain-smart choices.

As I progress in my neuroscience studies and neural re-education techniques,  I have had to open my mind to concepts that go against the mainstream; concepts that have been driven into my head as "bad".  In the process, I have learned that a majority of nutrition and movement news is fake news.  This is in no way political but factual due to the ten-year phenomena.

The ten-year phenomenon is that current lab discoveries are ten years ahead of public knowledge.  In other words, it takes ten years for today's scientific findings to trickle down from the lab into the general public knowledge.

Rest assured that the neuroscience information that I am providing is scientific and research-based.  In order for your local doctor to teach these methods would require him/her to return to school and put in time and effort.  We know that's not going to happen.

Let me explain what your brain needs for survival;
1.  Fuel
2.  Activation

Feed your brain glucose and oxygen for daily survival.  Eat and breathe.  Sounds easy enough but thanks to all the conflicting and ever-changing nutrition news, who knows what to eat.

1.  Eat:  Neuroscientists know when it comes to the brain!  Eat glucose.  Sugar is good for you.  Now I'm not telling you to go on a Sugar Binge but I am telling you that oranges and orange juice are good for you.  Your brain needs fruits and fruit juices.

I'm NOT a nutritionist but I have been informed by a nutritional scientist who is also a neuroscientist DO NOT eat polyunsaturated fatty acids.  No nut oils or butters.  Limit nuts and grains.  Chocolate is good. Coffee is good.  Be smart.  Eat like an adult.

2.  Breathe.  Deep belly breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing.  Exhalation-based breathing. Deep breath holds.  I am going for the next Z-Health certification, T-Phase.  This is four days of neurologically based breathing patterns.  I will keep you updated in an upcoming blog.

3.  Activation.  Think "Use it or Lose it" of the brain.  Activate your neurons or lose neurons.  Stimulate nearby neurons and they all begin to communicate.  Close gaps of dysfunctional neurons with stronger stimulus and the whole brain lights up.

Fuel and Activation for Better Balance, Improved Vision and Less Pain.
Eat for control of your mind and body.


LH said...

Thank you for all that information... very interesting and makes perfect sense, to me, you make it very simple to understand.

LH said...

Thank you Kelly for that information and all your knowledge, that is very interesting and helpful. I'm going to start putting it to work with fruits and so forth and the breathing. Lord knows my brain needs help!