Saturday, February 24, 2018

Requirements for Brain Change to Occur

The science of neuroplasticity proves the ability of the brain to change; to develop new neural pathways that increase efficiency and optimize performance of brain and body.  Activating areas of decreased brain function can decrease pain, improve vision, improve memory and cure chronic movement problems.  Knowing that the brain has the capability to change is exciting; it means that we can gain control of our body and mind.

While change is possible, there are certain conditions that must be met in order for any neural change to become permanent.  What is necessary for brain change to occur?  What is the ideal environment for neural changes to happen?

First, a trained applied functional neuroanatomy professional must test brain function and identify areas of weakness.  Once identified, your qualified trainer will implement specific drills and record how your brain reacts to specific activations.

In order for the changes brought about through specific activation and/or inhibition, the following conditions must be met:

1.  Pay attention to what you're doing; be present.  This is the most important thing for you as a client; when training the brain you must pay attention to the drill you're doing.  We all have times when lifting weights or exercising in general that we drift off into random thoughts.  Once we've learned "how" to do an exercise,  we often slip into "autopilot" mode and go through the motions without mentally thinking about what we're doing.  
This lack of focus will not cause neuroplasticity to happen.  When trying to form new thinking and movement patterns, you need to concentrate and be present in the moment.  This is not 'autopilot' mode; once that occurs, bad habits sneak back in and no significant change occurs.

2. Short Frequent Sessions:  Length of practice time matters.  Intensity of practice matters.  Frequency of practice sessions matter.  The general rule of thumb to practice is 5 minutes four times a day, seven days a week.  So if you want to improve your vision, you will practice specific vision drills for 5 minutes four times throughout the day.  

3.  Practice. Just do it.  You know what you need to do.  You know how to do it.  But you don't do it.  Why?  Just start with one thing.  Just move the eyes.  If you're depressed, do the recommended eye drills proven to activate pain inhibitors and stimulate positive, feel good chemical changes in the bloodstream.  Once you start moving, the juices begin to flow.  This is not strenuous but subtle.  

4.  Believe that change is possible.  Fundamentally, you gotta believe that you have the power to control your mind and change the patterns that aren't working.   To make the changes permanent, believe you can do this; you change the way you think, the way you balance, the way you see and the way you feel.

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