Monday, March 26, 2018

Have you ever tripped over your own toes???

If you've ever tripped over your own toes, you want to do this ridiculously easy exercise, seated rather than standing!

In this video demonstration, Kelly (aka, The Fall Prevention Lady) demonstrates how to strengthen the muscles responsible for picking up the toes!  This muscle group atrophies with age (meaning it naturally gets weaker and less able to function with the aging process), so it's crucial that you USE THIS MUSCLE OR YOU WILL LOSE THIS MUSCLE.

Vimeo link:  Don't Trip Over Your Own Toes!!!

I just turned 50 in January and even though I'm a 'youngster' compared to my clients, I'm still at risk of falling with each passing birthday.
My message to you is that you're never too old or too young to start doing these maintenance
exercises if you want to remain independent and able.

IF you don't want to trip over your toes, pick them up!!!!

The Fall Prevention Lady.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday mornings starting in April for
"Coffee Talk with The Fall Prevention Lady"!
7am, PST
9am, CST
10am, EST.

Don't trip, pick em up!
The Fall Prevention Lady

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