Tuesday, March 27, 2018

ABCs of Balance workshop at Woodland Senior Center

Last week I presented my "revamped" ABCs workshop at the Woodland Community and Senior Center to a group of about sixty mature adults who wanted to know more about aging and balance from a brain perspective.  Well, at least I hope that's why they were there because that's what they got!

Center Director, Dallas Tringali not only welcomed my progressive workshop about brains, balance and fall prevention but also provided a nice-sized room for my presentation.  For the first time in a long while, I was nervous.

As I prepared my notes, I realized that I couldn't talk about aging and balance without mentioning the brain and the nervous system due to the fact that everything we do and how we move through life all begins in the brain!

People packed into the room and I asked them several times if they were ready to learn something new about the brain and balance.  I was answered with smiles, nods and  Yes, yes, we sure are, I hope so.  One lady joked, is that what you're going to talk about?  LOL.

Over the next 90-minutes, I tried my best to interpret and explain neuroscience in easy to understand words and concepts.  I think I did pretty good but I know that I spoke ENTIRELY too fast; especially after a kind woman told me, "I believe in all my heart what you're doing but you need to slow down for us old folks.  You can't talk as fast".

I appreciate honest feedback because we're all in this together and I'm learning, too!  Honestly,  I think I came up for a breath about forty-minutes into my presentation.   The audience nodded, smiled, did the drills, smiled some more.

As I checked the time, I realized that I would finish my 90-minute workshop in 70 minutes if I didn't slow down!  I took a deep breath and realized I did it; I explained an entirely new way of looking at training in a decent flow of relate-able terminology.

If talking too fast is the only critique, I'm happy!  That means that they understood or at least appreciated the content.

Woodland Senior Center is a great group of people who are genuinely interested in learning how to take control of their body and mind through brain activation.

Brains and Balance with Coach Kelly classes start the first Tuesday in April.  Every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of April we will meet for 90-minutes from 1-2:30pm.  Classes are progressively challenging so participants should plan on making all eight sessions.  Class size is limited to 15 participants.

There will be more classes!

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