Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Do you want to feel more steady on your feet???

I  recently completed two Brains and Balance Training sessions in local communities.  As you know, I'm always commenting on how well the class does but this time, I decided to get personal testimonials from class participants so you can see directly how mature adults felt about the Brains and Balance Training.

After ten testimonials, I'm noticing some recurring benefits that class participants are sharing.   After participating in my four-week balance training program that combines brain activation and balance skill, older adults walk more steady.  Their walking gait is more confident and they are more aware of their surroundings and when they need to react.

Isn't that the number one purpose of balance training?
  • To feel more steady on your feet?  
  • To be aware of your body in space?
  • To know when and how to react in the case of imbalance???    
My Brains and Balance Training class teaches mature adults of all ages and ability levels how to walk steady and know when and how to react.

Walking is one of the first skills we learn as infants and one of the first skills we take for granted as adults.  Opposite arm, opposite leg is now replaced with a cane or using a walker.

Walking is a window to brain function because it is a reflexive activity; an automatic process that we don't have to think about.   Unfortunately, years of prolonged sitting, untreated injuries and movement compensation result in unstable, unsteady walking gaits.

The fear of falling worsens the walking gait because your brain triggers protective behaviors such as short steps, hunched forward posture and shuffling feet.

It doesn't have to be this way!!!!  You can learn how to walk strong and confident again.  You're too young to sit back and let life happen to you;  make life happen for you.  One step at a time.

Register now for my 2019 Brains and Balance Training classes:  Local Schedule

Enroll in my online Balance Training 101 course:  Balance Training 101

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