Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Number 1 rule of brain-based fitness: Sensory Before Motor

 Brains and Balance Nugget #1:  Sensory Before Motor

I was at the Western Peripheral Neuropathy Association's 20th Anniversary and told the group to rub their feet.  Paint their affected areas with light touch, stroking the skin, paying attention to the feeling.  It's time to touch your feet.  
Rub the toes. 

For people who can't feel a body part, like feet, or only feel pain or tingling;  touch your skin.  Gently rub the body part. Wrap it and rub it.  Feel the touch.  Pay attention to the body part so your brain remembers it's there and how to move it.   

Sensory before motor.  Focus on feeling your body before you try to move it.  Re-introduce your brain to your body.  One joint at a time.   It's a brain thing! 

The fascinating thing about the brain is that the half of the brain is dedicated to sensory processing.  Half of your brain.  If you're not stimulating the senses that the brain relies on in order to move safely through life, then half of your brain is dying.  

The two things a healthy brain needs is 1.  Activation 2.  Fuel.  Use it or lose it, especially sensory neurons of the brain.  One of the golden rules that Dr. Cobb of  Z-Health Performance consistently talks about is sensory before motor.  Skin stimulation. 

Simple.  Subtle.  Strategic.  
Holistic life care through specific brain activation techniques.  Simple.  Try them.  Rub your feet.  Rub your skin.  Then move.  

Sensory before motor.  It's how your nervous system functions.  Trust me.

Brains and Balance Lady,
also known as the Fall Prevention Lady

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