Monday, July 2, 2012

Northern California Fall Prevention Coalition planning meeting

It's that time again!  Time to begin preparing for the third week in September.  What is the third week in September?  It's officially Fall Prevention Week! As a member of the Northern California Fall Prevention Coalition, I am excited about our third annual community event to raise awareness of falls and what people can do to prevent falls.

The Area 4 Agency on Aging is the organizing body and partners with Kaiser of South Sacramento, Eskaton,  City of Sacramento, County of Sacramento, Adult and Aging Commission, Senior RSVP program, Resources for Independent Living, and yours truly, The Fall Prevention Lady™!  This year, a representative from Phillips lifeline has joined the local forces of fall prevention.

At our first meeting, we talked about possible themes and came up with some great ideas.  Without divulging our deepest secrets, I can tell you that a person has to take responsibility for his/her well-being in order to prevent falls.  Take action.  The active way to prevent falls begins with education.

In my book, The Complete Guide to Fall Prevention™, I educate you about fall risk factors you can control and those you can't.  Once you are aware of the difference, it's up to you to change what you can to prevent falls.  Order my book to take action now!

I will be offering balance and mobility screenings again this year but my team of volunteers will be better equipped to talk to senior participants about the relevance of the testing results and fall risk.  A Kaiser Physical Therapist will be available for more in-depth consultations.   

This is going to be a great event.  I am looking forward to working with professional to educate the public about falls and how to reduce the risk of a slip, trip of fall.

Educate.  Demonstrate.  Facilitate.
The Fall Prevention Lady

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