Friday, May 11, 2018

85 year old learns how to get up from floor without assistance

We've all seen the horrific commercial, "Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up".   One of the biggest fears to many older adults is falling and not being able to get up from the floor.

Even though I teach one of the best balance training programs available to mature adults, accidents happen.  That's why I highly recommend that you start planning in case of an accidental fall.

Today I presented my first "Don't Get Stuck, Get Up from the Floor" workshop at the Woodland
Senior Center.  After an hour of strength, flexibility and ground work, participants were thrilled they came and I was super pleased with the way the class went.

The oldest attendee was 85 years old with a 'bad' knee and a bum shoulder.  Even though it took her awhile to overcome her fears of getting down on the floor,  she was able to do all the drills after assisted to the floor.   She followed my "3-step Get Up" plan and  moved from lying to sitting up and watched other attendees practice different ways to stand from the floor.

One person used the rocking method to get up without assistance, a few"boot-scooted" to a nearby chair and used the chair to sit upright and another used the spiral method to go from kneeling to standing.  My oldest attendee laughed with her friend and joked about her limitations but she continued to sit on the floor.

As I finished up the day's lesson, the group came in closer and she remained on the floor.  I was just about to ask if she needed any help getting up and suddenly, it happened.  

We all watched as this joyful retired nurse went through the steps I had just taught and got up, WITHOUT ASSISTANCE!  Without using a chair or a helping hand, the oldest person in the class followed my "3-Step Get Up" plan perfectly and stood up without any assistance!

While we stood in amazement she said, "I watched how others did the plan and did what you said!".

Don't get stuck on the floor, get up!!!  No one wants to learn how to get up after a tragic fall so it's best to practice skills that will help you get up now, while you're able.

Sign up for my next  "Don't Get Stuck, Get Up from the Floor" Workshop at the Woodland Senior Center on June 7th.  3:00-4:30pm.  $15.

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