Saturday, May 19, 2018

Brain science is real; change is possible


Here are some critical definitions I want you to know about your brain, body and balance:

Neuroscience is a form of neurology based on the science of nervous system focusing on brain function and body movement
Neuroplasticity is the scientifically proven fact that the brain can and will change for more efficient function.
Applied neuro-anatomy is the systematic assessment of precise neural inputs on brain function and observed motor output.
Applied neurophysiology considers the results of thorough input assessments and designs an individualized program that provides the highest payoff in movement and skill proficiency and pain control for an individuals.

Neuro-Performance are professional  athletic trainers invest time, money and energy into each level of applied neuroanatomy and applied neurophysiology education.  Professional development that includes four-day certification weekends, hours of pre- and post-weekend study and years of application to learn this highly specialized neural testing and training program.

A program based on emergent research.  Research findings that take ten years to reach the general public.  Get in on it now.  What are you waiting for?  What have you got to lose?

Chronic Pain. Poor eyesight. Dizzy.  Lethargic. Weak.  Slouched posture.  Neck pain.  Poor sleep.  No energy.  Aching pains.  Stiff joints.  Thats' what you've got to lose.

Work with me and learn to gain control of your body.  Feel in control of what's going on.  Connect to your body.  Through comprehensive assessment process, we practice drills that make your brain fire efficiently.  An efficient brain produces efficient movement.  Pain-free, optimized movement is how the brain was made to function.

Work with me to develop your neural highways.  Upgrade your neural software.  Rewire for efficiency.  90-minute consultation: $150.  Special for the rest of May, $125.
I will come to you and work with you in your environment.
Facebook consultations: The Fall Prevention Lady on Facebook

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