Sunday, December 30, 2018

Registered Nurse Living with PTSD Overcomes Fears with Brain Training

Overcame broken back with brain-based training from The Brains and Balance Lady on Vimeo.

Everyone has different reasons why they choose to enroll in my brain-based balance training programs. Falling and fear of falling is a huge motivator for a lot of people because my four-week program gets RESULTS.

Neuroscience research proves that the brain will make structural changes to survive and what's awesome is that you don't have to be over 80 to get results from my class!  Your brain wants to survive and will change with proper training.

Here, a sixty-something retired US Air Force nurse shares her personal testimonial about how brain-based training has helped her overcome her fears of movement after breaking her back.   The greatest benefit for her has been learning how to conquer fears so she can do the things she most enjoys; exercise, jumping, and spending time with her grandkids.

You are not alone in your fears.  Join others just like you in one of my Brains and Balance Training sessions or I can come to you for private training sessions.  I'll meet you where you are now to get you where you want to be.

Brain-based training is the future of fitness.  Let me show you how to activate parts of your brain for better balance, better movement and better vision.    Or, if you're living in pain, I offer holistic training methods to help you manage pain.

Whatever your goals, I want to help you reach them

Your coach,

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