Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stroke Survivor Support Group Guest Speaker

As a public speaker and health educator,  I've been active in Sacramento and Yolo county communities presenting my dynamic ABCs of Balance workshop and promoting two upcoming Brains and Balance classes; one at the Woodland Community and Senior Center and the other at the Fair Oaks United Methodist Church.

Stroke Survivor Support Group Presentation with Coach Kelly
I love educating people about the power of neuroplasticity and empowering individuals to take action if they want to change their circumstances.  As a Z-Health Neuro-Performance Coach and Brain Exercise Therapist, I am trained to activate areas of the brain that directly impact balance, movement, posture and pain levels.

Last week I finally met Tom Hoag; registered nurse and Stroke Survivor Support Group facilitator for Dignity Health's Neurological Institute.  I say finally because a student of recent Brains and Balance class also attends the Stroke Survivor Support Group in Woodland.  This student is one of the most improved and brain exercise has changed his life so much that he wanted me to speak at an upcoming support group meeting.

The stars aligned and I met Tom at the Woodland Senior Resource Fair.  After laughter and discussion, it's confirmed; I will be the guest speaker at Tom's two stroke survivor support group meetings in June:

  1. Mercy San Juan Carmichael:  Wednesday June 13th. 11-Noon.  6501 Coyle Avenue  Carmichael.
  2. Woodland Community & Senior Center:  Monday, June 18th.  1-2pm.  2001 East Street  Woodland.
These support groups are open to the public and free of charge.  If you have had a stroke and want to learn how to improve your current functionality, please join us.

I have been working with four stroke survivors on a private training basis and the results are amazing!  They have regained sight, movement, balance and feeling where they thought was impossible.  Precise training gets precise results.

I am so excited about meeting and educating these stroke survivor support groups about the regenerative power of the brain and that with precise training, they can get precise results.

I hope to see you in June.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Gain control of your emotions with brain activation drills

We all have those occasional emotional meltdown moments; those times when we feel emotionally out of control.  This "limbic escape" is your brain's way of protection.  The emotional response will get you to stop whatever you're doing and cry, scream, yell, or whatever your emotional response might be.

The "old brain" is responsible for our emotions.  The way to gain control of your emotions is to inhibit old brain function.  That is the number one responsibility of the new brain; to inhibit the old brain.

Of the three training methods to help you gain control of your emotions, frontal lobe activation drills are my favorite.  If you want to learn specific drills to help gain control of your emotions and your body, contact me for private training sessions.

Facebook:  The Fall Prevention Lady
Website:  The Fall Prevention Lady

Your brain can change the way you feel and the way you respond.  Learn how to gain control of your mind and emotions through precise brain training drills.  I'd love to help you.

Your coach,
Kelly Ward
The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Brain science is real; change is possible


Here are some critical definitions I want you to know about your brain, body and balance:

Neuroscience is a form of neurology based on the science of nervous system focusing on brain function and body movement
Neuroplasticity is the scientifically proven fact that the brain can and will change for more efficient function.
Applied neuro-anatomy is the systematic assessment of precise neural inputs on brain function and observed motor output.
Applied neurophysiology considers the results of thorough input assessments and designs an individualized program that provides the highest payoff in movement and skill proficiency and pain control for an individuals.

Neuro-Performance are professional  athletic trainers invest time, money and energy into each level of applied neuroanatomy and applied neurophysiology education.  Professional development that includes four-day certification weekends, hours of pre- and post-weekend study and years of application to learn this highly specialized neural testing and training program.

A program based on emergent research.  Research findings that take ten years to reach the general public.  Get in on it now.  What are you waiting for?  What have you got to lose?

Chronic Pain. Poor eyesight. Dizzy.  Lethargic. Weak.  Slouched posture.  Neck pain.  Poor sleep.  No energy.  Aching pains.  Stiff joints.  Thats' what you've got to lose.

Work with me and learn to gain control of your body.  Feel in control of what's going on.  Connect to your body.  Through comprehensive assessment process, we practice drills that make your brain fire efficiently.  An efficient brain produces efficient movement.  Pain-free, optimized movement is how the brain was made to function.

Work with me to develop your neural highways.  Upgrade your neural software.  Rewire for efficiency.  90-minute consultation: $150.  Special for the rest of May, $125.
I will come to you and work with you in your environment.
Facebook consultations: The Fall Prevention Lady on Facebook

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Respiration Training and Balance

Breathing is an automatic process that is controlled by the mid-brain; specifically the mesencephalon, pons, and medulla.  I tell my classes, 'if breathing weren't automatic, 90% of us would be dead'.  This is because we are a bunch of shallow breathers and do not use a large portion of our breathing capacity.

We all want to move better with less pain.   Everything we do, all movement and thought, is initiated by the brain.  In order to function at optimal levels, the brain needs fuel and activation.  The most essential fuel source is oxygen.  Oxygen gets into the cells via the transport molecule carbon dioxide.  Exercise produces carbon dioxide which helps the oxygen get into the cells for healthy function.  Movement is life. 

Again, if breathing weren't automatic, over 90% of us would be dead because we don't know how to do it.  The first thing I want you to know about breathing is to breathe IN through the nose and out through the mouth. When you inhale, your belly should expand.  This is the exact opposite of what feels normal; I  know because I struggled with proper breathing technique before learning proper breathing mechanics.

I worked with a young 70-year old who was having breathing problems and her doctor told her she would be on an oxygen tank if she didn't do something about it.  She called me and we worked together for two sessions before she went back to her doctor.  Her entire demeanor changed as she practiced the respiration drills and used the Relaxator when we weren't together.

She called me after her doctor's appointment and said he was thrilled with whatever she was doing. She also went on to tell me that she didn't need to use her oxygen and her energy levels were the best they'd been in years.  The oxygen tank sits unused in her living room now!

If you want to learn how to breathe or improve your breathing patterns for better movement, more mental clarity, better vision and less pain, please contact me!!!  COPD, asthma and other breathing disorders are a challenge but it's never too late to learn how to feed your brain the oxygen it needs for optimal daily function.

Everything you do begins in the brain; let's find out what your brain needs for the best performance possible.

Movement is Life; it's time to start LIVING!
Coach Kelly

Friday, May 11, 2018

85 year old learns how to get up from floor without assistance

We've all seen the horrific commercial, "Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up".   One of the biggest fears to many older adults is falling and not being able to get up from the floor.

Even though I teach one of the best balance training programs available to mature adults, accidents happen.  That's why I highly recommend that you start planning in case of an accidental fall.

Today I presented my first "Don't Get Stuck, Get Up from the Floor" workshop at the Woodland
Senior Center.  After an hour of strength, flexibility and ground work, participants were thrilled they came and I was super pleased with the way the class went.

The oldest attendee was 85 years old with a 'bad' knee and a bum shoulder.  Even though it took her awhile to overcome her fears of getting down on the floor,  she was able to do all the drills after assisted to the floor.   She followed my "3-step Get Up" plan and  moved from lying to sitting up and watched other attendees practice different ways to stand from the floor.

One person used the rocking method to get up without assistance, a few"boot-scooted" to a nearby chair and used the chair to sit upright and another used the spiral method to go from kneeling to standing.  My oldest attendee laughed with her friend and joked about her limitations but she continued to sit on the floor.

As I finished up the day's lesson, the group came in closer and she remained on the floor.  I was just about to ask if she needed any help getting up and suddenly, it happened.  

We all watched as this joyful retired nurse went through the steps I had just taught and got up, WITHOUT ASSISTANCE!  Without using a chair or a helping hand, the oldest person in the class followed my "3-Step Get Up" plan perfectly and stood up without any assistance!

While we stood in amazement she said, "I watched how others did the plan and did what you said!".

Don't get stuck on the floor, get up!!!  No one wants to learn how to get up after a tragic fall so it's best to practice skills that will help you get up now, while you're able.

Sign up for my next  "Don't Get Stuck, Get Up from the Floor" Workshop at the Woodland Senior Center on June 7th.  3:00-4:30pm.  $15.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Neck Flexibility Improves Posture and Balance

The spinal column is the highway of the nervous system.  Billions of neural messages are transmitted along the spinal cord each second; some descend from the brain to the body while billions of other messages take the fast route upward from the body to the brain.

An aligned spine facilitates quicker transmission of messages.
A properly aligned spine doesn't cause pain when moving.

TO improve your posture, sit in lengthened spine. Lengthened spine creates space between vertebrae which enables healthy nerve movement.

We need to make sure that we keep our body joints moving in the range of motion which God created them to move.  Starting your day with this neck exercise routine will prepare you for the day ahead with a smile and better balance.

Align your spine with these brain-based neck mobility drills.
Coach Kelly

Friday, May 4, 2018

Improve Your Walking Gait So You Don't Fall Down

Put your best foot forward in 2018!  Be one step ahead of the game; step up to the next level; keep on keeping on.   The new you, progress, growth; it all begins with the first step.  But which step is the hardest?  The first step. 

As an experienced balance and movement specialist, I teach people how to move; how to take that first step.  What is fascinating to me is how the forces transmitted from the ground move through the human body and affect how we move.  These forces pulse through the foot with each step and follow an integrated pathway through the body. 

HUH?  Ground forces?  Has she finally lost her mind?  No I haven't!!!!  It's a scientific fact that the ground, a solid structure, exerts forces when landed upon and these forces travel UPWARD through the body with each step.

Foot to ground.  The power of the force on the foot is directly related to your weight.  With each strike of the heel, forces two to three times your body weight  travel through the foot structures to the toes as you push off to take another step. 

This is the reason why the more you weigh, the greater the forces on your body with each step.

Don't Fall Down; Fall Prevention 101 by Kelly Ward
The pathway of ground forces from the heel upward through the body is:
  • From the heel forces run up the outer side of the lower leg
  • Outside the knee
  • Up the outer portion of the thigh 
  • Through the hip socket
  • Up and around the backside of the pelvis   
  • Cross at the SI joint (Sacroilliac=where the low back and hip meet)
  • Up the other side of the spine
  • Down the arm OR Up the jaw
If you want to put your best foot forward, take care of your feet!  Engage in regular toe and ankle exercises for the joints.  Use a lacrosse ball on the bottom of your foot to maintain smooth, efficient force transmission. 

If you don't do lower body flexibility and strengthening exercises, your walking gait will be affected.  This not only limits the fun activities you will be able to do but also increases the risk of a fatal trip and fall.

Maintain the foot so you can put the best foot forward.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Brains and Balance materials are COPYRIGHTED

I have invested my entire professional life to learning how to improve balance in older adults.  Thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours and years of sacrifice to have the knowledge I have and the ability to change people's lives.  It's what health and fitness professionals do.

I would like people to know that I am an independent contractor; I do not get a paycheck from an employer for the hours I study, create and develop materials for my classes and presentations.  I do not work for a non-profit; I invest my own money in my professional development to excel my services.

Nothing bothers me more than lazy fitness instructors and personal trainers who ask class attendees for the my homework drills used in my classes.  The materials are given to people who paid for and attend the class.  All material in my Brains and Balance class is copyrighted and use without my consent is against the law.  

Not only are these lazy instructors and trainers breaking the law but also teaching beyond their realm of expertise.  They can cause severe vision and vestibular damage because they have not been trained in proper technique, what the drills do and what to look for.  For instance, if your eyes are moving when you do a pencil push-up, you have a mid-brain dysfunction that needs to be addressed NOW.

IF you're teaching your instructor a drill, they are not qualified and can cause more damage than good.  I am not responsible for the damage this person causes you.

To the people who get paid from an employer for teaching classes, invest in your education to become a better instructor, take a train-the-trainer course, don't steal.

Don't shuffle! Pick up your feet! Do this stretch!

I've been driving a lot of miles since teaching two Brains and Balance Training classes on the opposite sides of town.  Driving is just as bad for you as sitting at a desk because the powerful hip muscles don't get sufficient blood flow and the glutes (rear end muscles) begin to breakdown.

The more I drive for work, the tighter the muscles in the back of my leg become.  This tightness places more stress on my lower back.  This posterior muscle group is called the hamstrings and the three muscles originate on the pelvis and attach behind the leg both above and below the knee.

The more miles I drive, the more these tight hamstrings pull on the pelvis which causes low back pain.  Because the muscles attach above and below t knee, the tightness in the back of the legs prevents the leg from moving in it's full range of motion with each step.

One of the primary functions of the hamstring in coordination with the other muscles of the lower body is to pick up the foot during the walking gait and 'swing' through with each step.  Tight muscles that do not lengthen restrict how high off the ground the toes are lifted.  

The result is the toe doesn't pick up enough to clear objects on the floor or uneven surface and you trip.  You stumble.  You fall.

So whether you're like me and drive your car all over town or you have a desk job or you just sit around and watch TV all day,  we all need to stretch our hamstrings if you want to be able to walk without tripping or you want to walk with out shuffling.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Woodland Seniors Get Stronger, Quicker and More Flexible From Brains and Balance Training

I just completed a four-week Brains and Balance Training session at the Woodland Community Center and the fitness testing results are some of the best I've seen.  Every one of the 17 participants  improved in either lower body strength, lower body flexibility or dynamic balance and agility; some improved in all three components!  Way to go Woodland! 

As a certified FallProof™ Balance and Mobility Specialist, I perform pre- and post-assessments on all class participants to provide objective data about the effect of participation on their fall risk: I test three fitness components associated with fall risk on the first and last day of class.    

Here are some of the noteworthy improvements from this group of 17 seniors:

  • 81-year old gentleman improved lower body flexibility by 4 inches in four weeks!
  • 87-year old woman increased lower body strength by 3, lower body flexibility by 1.5 inches and increased her dynamic balance and agility by 1.4 seconds
  • 85-year old woman increased lower body strength by 2, lower body flexibility by 3 inches and dynamic balance and agility by 1.1 seconds. 
  • 77 year old woman increased lower body strength by 5, increased lower body flexibility by 2.7 inches and increased dynamic balance and agility by 1.4 seconds.  

That’s just objective data.  I don't measure posture, confidence or vision and I can say that every single person in the class improved in all of those areas, too.  

I'm super proud of everyone of everyone in the class and look forward to my next session of Brains and Balance Training at the Woodland Community Center beginning June 5.  

Save your spot and register today!
Brains and Balance Training with Coach Kelly
T/Th, 1-2:30pm
June 5-June 28
8 sessions for $125 
Woodland Community Center

You're worth the investment.