Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't over-think it....

Imagine being faced with your greatest fear every time you took a step. For older adults who have fallen, they are terrified of falling again. Therefore each time a change of position is necessary, the older adult visualizes the worst condition possible; falling to the ground and breaking a hip or hitting her/his head. Paralysis by analysis....
This fear of falling cannot be "shrugged" off or simply forgotten. In fact, this fear becomes a serious condition when it begins to interfere with one's activities of daily living. At first, the older adult does not expose herself to situations that may increase the risk of an accidental fall. In the short-term, this is ok but in the long run, this limited activity does more harm than good because the less a person does, the weaker she becomes. The less a person does, the less confident she is in herself.
The result? A vulnerable older adult who is terrified of falling and thinks this is part of growing older. They believe that weakness is unavoidable and limited to no activity is the only answer. Suddenly they have a serious case of the "I can'ts"... I can't do this, I can't do that. The power of thought is undeniable and the person becomes what she fears...


I have been teaching fall prevention exercises to older adults all over Sacramento and it is a beautiful thing to see a participant shatter the "I can't" belief system. The most common "I can't" that people have overcome is getting out of the chair. After consistent strength and balance training, older adults gain skills necessary to get up from a chair without assistance.
A participant asked me how she was supposed to get up. I told her that she could do it, she's done it before, she knows what to do, she knows how to do it. Don't overthink it... and up she went. Once up, she smiled ear to ear and said you're right, I'm not going to overthink it; I can do it.

Praise God.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

All-time record in lower body flexibility improvement....

I just finished teaching a 6-week balance and mobility training program in Elk Grove, CA and the improvements were REMARKABLE. In fact, one lady set an all-time record for improvement in lower body flexibility. On the first day of class, she was only able to come within 9 inches of her toes and on the last day of class, she was able to touch her toes for a 9 INCH gain in lower body flexibility! This 62 year-old lady also significantly increased lower body strength by being able to do four more chair stands in 30 seconds and shaved over half a second off her dynamic balance and agility score.

Everyone is so proud of her; including herself and her husband who was also in the class. This 64 year-old gentleman showed significant improvements as well; increasing percentile rank by 50 percent in both lower body flexibility and dynamic balance and agility while improving lower body flexibility percentile rank 25 percent. This young couple improved so much that they want to continue training to maintain the gains they have made. I recommend they Take 5 to Exercise each day for Maintenance~

Like most of my classes, this was a small group with ages ranging from 62 to 84 years of age. There were two couples; one in their sixties and one in the upper 70s/low 80s. It was interesting to see the healthy competition between the younger couple and the loving encouragement of the older couple as functional fitness levels significantly improved for everyone in the class. The older couple showed significant improvements as well; she improved percentile rank by nearly 50 in all aspects of fitness and he prevented a fall while on vacation by practicing the step strategy to regain his balance.

The other members of class did extraordinarily well, too. This is an active and able group; the exact demographic of the FallProof™ balance and mobility training program. And I now have a record improvement of 9 inches for lower body flexibility. Congratulations, Elk Grove members!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The "F" word

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I have a rule that we don't say the "F" word in my class. The "F" word I'm talking about is "Fall". As a balance and mobility specialist, I like to keep things on the positive so we try to 'avoid losing our balance" and practice 'regaining our balance' through progressively challenging, evidence-based training methods that work when you work them.

Unfortunately, I teach some balance training concepts in class that I don't feel confident having people do at home. Thus, Dr. Rose developed the three-level, progressively challenging FallProof™ at Home (FAH) DVD series to supplement the balance and mobility training done in community-based classes. I urge participants in my 4-week session to follow along with FAH, Level 1 at least 2 times a week in addition to attending class twice a week.

In addition to the FallProof™ at Home DVD, I suggest that participants Take 5 to Exercise each day. Take 5 to Exercise is a seated stretching and strengthening exercise series with 5 different routines. Each routine is different and focuses on a different fall prevention exercise component; flexibility, strength, posture, and maintenance exercises.

The Take 5 to Exercise routine looks like this:
Day 1: Take 5 for Flexibility
Day 2: Take 5 for Strength, using a resistance band
Day 3: Take 5 for Posture
Day 4: Take 5 for Strength, using resistance band and soup cans or light dumbbells
Day 5: Take 5 for Maintenance

Whatever you do, make exercise a regular part of your routine if you want to remain independent. And don't say the "F" word!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visual training kind of day...

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I promote multi-sensory training in order to reduce the risk of an accidental fall. The sensory systems involved in balance are the visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems. Each system contributes vital input about the body, the environment and one's balance. Thus, training each of these systems is necessary to reduce the risk of a fall.

I am teaching the multisensory balance and mobility training program, FallProof™, in the communities of Sacramento. Today I have three classes, all at different levels in the program, and it so happens that each class program focuses on Visual training! For me, it's a visual training kind of day. I am so thankful to be improving the quality of life for class participants, especially those who practice the program at home.

Take 5 to Exercise to prevent a fall.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Private training client climbs stairs without assistance!

I have been doing in-home private training with a 79 year-old woman for 10 sessions and today she was able to walk up the stairs into her home without assistance. YAY! I am so excited about this milestone for Sue (name changed) because by regaining the ability to independently and confidently go up the stairs was the first step to her taking control of her life again.

As a fall prevention consultant in the Sacramento area, I was hired by Sue's brother and sister in-law after Sue fell going up these same stairs. Twice. Active and healthy, Sue's relatives knew something could be done to reduce the risk of another fall and contacted me. A thorough assessment not only enabled me to immediately form a therapeutic relationship with Sue but also to identify her limitations and strengths.

Sue was so de-conditioned from being stuck in the cycle of fear and sitting in her chair that she had to relearn how to move. We started with a consistent routine of the Basic 5 stretches and slowly added lower body strengthening exercises. Because Sue was terrified of falling again, we had to get Sue to believe in herself and the self-perceived benefits of exercise. This doesn't happen overnight however repetition of activities and repeated successful attempts fostered Sue's self confidence levels.

It was amazing to witness this transformation. Even though each visit got progressively more difficult, Sue made it look easier! She's a trooper. She's a fighter. She's a believer. After a temporary setback due to a blister on her diabetic ankle, Sue set realistic goals, put her head down and invested in her independence. I brought my resistance bands and I introduced her to my stepup. We broke out the soup cans. We laughed. We shared Starbucks. After 10 one-hour sessions, Sue walked up her stairs without the assistance of her helper.

Once reluctant to confirm the next appointment, Sue called me tonight to setup our next visit and to purchase 5 more sessions. She called me to thank me for teaching her how to walk up her stairs again. It was so beautiful to hear her say, "now I know where each foot goes and which foot gets the emphasis". Praise the Lord!

Sue decided to Take 5 to Exercise each day. When asked if she felt stronger, she said, "as much as I hate it, yes I do!". She loves her new strength and the glow in her face is beautiful. Invest in yourself. Invest in your independence. Get active and Take 5 to Exercise each day.

Monday, October 31, 2011

82 year old man regains balance and prevents a fall while on vacation

Due to the nature of the training I provide, classes are limited to 12 participants. These small group settings offer increased socialization, observational learning, and personalized instruction. Like most senior classes, most of my participants are women but the number of men attending my class is increasing. This could be due to more wives insisting their husbands do something to remain independent and stay safe.

There are two couples in my class at Elk Grove Methodist. I love seeing two people who have stayed together in spite of life's challenges and can still laugh at each other. One couple missed a class due to a mini-vacation to Turtle Bay. They came up to me after today's class to tell me how Mr. M, an 82 year-old man, had prevented a fall while on vacation due to the training strategy we had practiced last week.

Mrs. M explained that while they were walking, Mr. M didn't see the ledge drop down. Rather than fall forward like he would have done (and has done before), Mr. M practiced the EXACT movement I taught them in class and he was able to regain his balance and prevent a fall! He looked at me, nodded, and said that he would have scraped his hands, broken his wrist or fallen on his face if he didn't practice regaining his balance like we had practiced. He smiled and said he didn't think about it but he did it and it worked!

What did he do? He regained his balance due to postural strategies taught in class. My suggestion is to get enrolled in a community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility class taught by a certified, qualified specialist who is trained in evidence-based techniques. These training techniques will SAFELY push you out of your comfort zone and keep you on your feet. My fall prevention exercises will help keep you independent.

The Fall Prevention Lady

The Fall Prevention Lady on Cable TV..

I was honored to be a part of the expert panel on Beatrice Bailey's cable show, "A-Z with Bea". In the falls among an aging population episode, Bea interviewed Dr. Huey Lin of UC Davis, Neil Hershberger of Burger Physical Therapy and me, Kelly Ward, the Fall Prevention Lady!

Dr. Lin discussed the epidemiology of falls, Neil talked about treatment after a fall and I talked about reducing the risk of accidental falls. Together, we point out that although falls are associated with aging, falls are not an inevitable part of the aging process; the risk can be reduced. With this expert panel, Bea offers viewer the medical, the treatment and the prevention perspectives of a fall.

For an older adult, a fall can instantly change her/his life. Everyone on the panel agreed that following a consistent exercise program is the number one way to reduce the risk of a fall. As a balance and mobility specialist, I recommend a thorough, individualized assessment to identify possible causes balance impairment. From this assessment, a qualified instructor or specialist can design a program specific to a person's needs.

However if you do not have access to a balance and mobility specialist, a great place to start is by engaging in a consistent stretching and strengthening program. Regardless of your limitations and/or abilities, you can begin with gentle stretches. Take 5 for Flexibility each day and you will find yourself feeling more energized as you release tension and stress.

Watch The Fall Prevention Lady on A-Z with Bea!
How: http://www.rcctv.org or
Sacramento cable TV channels Surewest 19 or Comcast 20
When: Monday, November 7 @9pm.
Thursday, November 3 and November 10 @7pm

Thank you and stay safe.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where has the Fall Prevention Lady been?

Wow! I can't believe this month is almost over. I've been busy teaching balance and mobility classes, presenting fall prevention workshops, participating in senior health fairs and doing private, in-home fitness training. I absolutely love what I do and I am grateful that I am busy. Being an independent contractor, my job is much more than teaching the classes; I have to maintain individual files, market my services, write blogs, and follow-up with everyone!

As this year comes to an end, I am transitioning from offering 4-week balance and mobility training sessions to 6-week sessions. I have decided to do this due to feedback from class evaluations. Participants love this program and want to continue balance and mobility training. I encourage anyone to repeat the beginner level however the 6-week program will better prepare participants for the next level. Because FallProof™ is a 12-week program, I will offer beginner and advanced levels.

I have started to implement this format change and participants are excited. The 6-week session requires a greater commitment; both of time and money. However when a person considers the value of her/his independence, committing to a 6-week program is an investment. I have a group of older adults in South Sacramento who cannot wait until the next session begins and I am working with a group of adults in Folsom who already signed up for the advanced level! WOO-HOO. When they get it, they really GET it!

Although my ultimate goal to help as many seniors as there are stars in the sky, I have a minimum number of participants required to hold a class. Due to travel expenses and the value of what I am teaching, I have a 7 person minimum. Word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertisement with my population and I am reaching out to new locations in Sacramento. The challenge is some areas are more receptive to new training techniques than others. Thus, there have been some changes in class locations.

So far, for the month of November, I WILL BE teaching classes at Fremont Presbyterian (Sac State)Carmichael Presbyterian (Carmichael), St. John's Retirement Village (Woodland), Creekside Oaks Retirement Community (Folsom), and Parkside Community Church (South Sac). I will offer one more session at the Senior Connection (Fair Oaks) if enough participants express interest after my November 2nd workshop.
I WILL NOT be teaching classes at the Asian Community Center (Pocket area), the Swanston Community Center (near Sac State) or the Consumes Service District (Elk Grove).

Visit my website, The Fall Prevention Lady, to view my class schedule. There is a cost for training. Invest in your future. Your independence is worth it. See you in class.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Class member practices balance training principle to avoid a fall

I just finished my first FallProof™ balance and mobility training session at Eskaton's Senior Connection in Fair Oaks, CA. The class was small but this fostered an intimate setting for participants. The ages ranged from 73 to 90 years of age and abilities were just as varied. Regardless of physical capability, everyone in the class improved on the three dimensions of senior fitness associated with fall risk in the 4-week training period.

One 85 year-old lady increased her dynamic balance and agility score by 3 seconds! Translated into understandable terms, she was able to get out the chair and walk around a cone quicker, more balanced and with more confidence that she could 4-weeks ago. Balance and agility require specific training to improve.

Another skill needed to prevent falls in everyday life is the ability to react to unexpected pushes, like when someone or something bumps into you. Case in point; on the last day of class, the lady mentioned above came in, sat down and told me she probably wouldn't be doing much in class because she got bumped into unexpectedly and her hip was hurting. I asked what happened and she told me that she was at the store and a hurried man accidentally bumped into her (with hard force). She said that SHE DID NOT FALL but her hip was sore.

I asked her to think about what she just said. She had prevented a fall by applying the training skills we had covered the second week of class. She smiled and said, "yeah, I did prevent a fall, didn't I?". YAY!

Strength, flexibility, endurance and balance training. Four important components of a fall prevention program. Join me at home in strengthening and stretching exercises with my Take 5 to Exercise DVD series or if you're in Sacramento, join me in one of my community-based balance and mobility training programs. YOU CAN DO IT.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pre- and Post-data from Parkside FallProof™ balance and mobility training class

I am a researcher. I enjoy reading fall prevention studies because I appreciate data that demonstrates the influence of an intervention. I am all about evidence-based programming because the numbers cannot hide the results. Today I did evaluations for two of my community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility training sessions here in Sacramento, CA.

The classes were small but the results were huge! The most significant improvement was made by an 81 year old gentleman who on day 1, did 9 chair stands in 30 seconds but needed to use his hands to get out of the chair. After 8 balance and mobility training sessions (and lots of hard work on his part), he was able to get out of the chair 8 times in 30 seconds, WITHOUT USING HIS HANDS! Woo-hoo....he not only increased his lower body strength but also learned and applied center of gravity training techniques! So proud of him!

His wife improved in all three areas of fitness related to fall risk; increasing both lower body strength and flexibility while improving her dynamic balance and agility score, too. In the same class, an 87 year old participant improved her lower body flexibility by 4 inches and was able to complete two more chair stands in 30 seconds.

Finally, I'd have to mention Stacy (name changed). This 83 year old lady improved her lower body flexibility by three and a half inches and was able to get out of chair, walk around a cone and return to seated position one second faster (and more stable) than 4 weeks ago. Although she still has to use her hands to get out of the chair, she was able to do one more chair stand in 30 seconds than the first day of class.

Most notably however was her comment as she left class. Stacy told me that her grandchildren commented her on her improved posture and said how good she looked. She also said that in prior pictures of her, she always leaned to one side. Last week, someone took a picture of her at a luncheon and she was standing tall and even; ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips and both hips and shoulders were level!

Praise the Lord...this program works IF YOU WORK IT.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sacramento FallProof™ balance and mobilty class schedule

I wanted to let everyone know where I will be teaching the next round of community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility training sessions. The classes meet for one-hour, twice a week, for 4 or 6-weeks. I will be changing to ONLY six-week format in January. This progressively challenging balance training program works IF YOU WORK IT.
There is a fee for these classes. Simply call class location to register. Hope to see you soon.

FallProof™ Balance and Mobility Training

Classes and Locations

Oct. 3-Oct. 27: Parkside Community Church

5700 S. Land Park Dr, Sacramento 95822

Mon/Thurs: 3-4 pm

Oct. 4-Oct. 28: Fremont Presbyterian Church

5770 Carlson Dr, Sacramento, 95819

Tues/Fri: 9-10am

Oct. 4-Oct. 28: Senior Connection

8525 Madison Ave, Fair Oaks, 95628

Tues/Fri: 12:30-1:30p

Oct. 14- Nov.14: Carmichael Presbyterian Church

5645 Marconi Ave, Carmichael, 95608

Tues/Fri: 2-3p

Oct. 3-Oct. 26: Asian Community Center

7375 Park City Drive Sacramento, CA

Mon/Wed: 11a-noon

Oct 3- Oct 27: Consumes Service District

8828 Elk Grove Blvd, Elk Grove, 95624

Mon/Thurs: 1-2p

Oct 4-Oct 28: Swanston Community Center

2350 Northrop Ave, Sacramento, 95825

Tues/Friday: 10:30-11:30a

Oct. 10- Nov 17: Creekside Oaks (6 week session)

1715 Creekside Dr., Folsom, CA. 95630

Mon/Thurs: 9a-10a



Kelly Ward

Certified FallProof™ Balance and Mobility Specialist

MS, Therapeutic Aging

Call Class location or Kelly (916) 821-5715 to register



Monday, September 26, 2011

Balance training is NOT a senior fitness class

I constantly encourage older adults to get active to prevent accidental falls. Fall prevention researchers have identified participation in a consistent exercise program as the number one way to reduce the risk of falls. In other words, older adults must participate in a well rounded exercise program that includes strength, flexibility, balance and endurance training components.

Unfortunately, many older adults think that simply walking everyday will reduce the risk of falling. Don't get me wrong; walking is vital for health and fitness but that is only one component of a fall prevention exercise program. So these adults join the local senior center "exercise" class.
While the stretching, strengthening and endurance activities are fun and can be beneficial IF performed properly, these classes offer more social benefits than fall risk reduction.

Worse yet, activity directors of large adult living communities think they're offering their residents a "fall prevention program" as long as they offer a class where the instructor has people stand on one-leg, walk heel to toe or even close their eyes while standing still.

Numerous fall prevention research studies have demonstrated the significance of participating in evidence-based balance and mobility training techniques to reduce the likelihood of falling. The FallProof™ balance and mobility program is based on six research-based balance training techniques and FallProof™ instructors are certified balance and mobility specialists. This title may not mean much to the average person but professionals can certainly respect specialty certifications because those who attain credentials meet qualifications designed to protect the consumer. With that said....

My community-based FallProof™ classes are NOT senior fitness classes. As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility specialist, I safely coach older adults to progressively challenge their balance skills as they strengthen and stretch the body to new limits. Participants can rest assured that they are under the guidance and instruction of a trained professional. While my classes are instructional, they also offer the opportunity to meet people living with similar struggles and concerns. And yes, bonding about how difficult I can be counts as socialization!

Have fun, challenge your body and rest assured that you are following a program that works if you work it. Your independence is up to you. I can show you the way but it's up to you to reach the goal. Invest in yourself. Invest in my balance and mobility training sessions. Your balance will be improved because of it.

The Fall Prevention Lady

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Prevention Week in Sacramento

The third week in September is officially "Fall Prevention Week". Cities throughout the country make an attempt to increase awareness of fall risk factors and local resources that can help a person remain safe. As the Fall Prevention Lady, this is my week! And let me tell you, I'm busy! (PRAISE THE LORD)

In addition to teaching my community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility training classes, I will be doing the follow fall prevention-related activities:
Monday, Sept. 19:
-8-8:30am....Featured on Cable TV show, "Older, Fitter, Wiser" with Dr. Moira Fordyce.
Comcast - Channel 20, Surewest - Channel 19, SIMULCAST: www.RCCTV.net/
Tuesday, Sept. 20:
Attending Sacramento City Council Proclamation of Fall Prevention Week
Wednesday, Sept. 21:
-Presenting two educational, demonstrative fall prevention workshops:

Asian Community Center
7375 Park City Drive

Sacramento, CA 95831

(916) 393-9026

1pm-2pm: Swanston Community Center

2350 Northrop Ave

Sacramento, CA 95825

(916) 333-6464

Thursday, Sept. 22:

-Taping Fall Prevention episode on local cable TV show, A-Z with Bea.
Comcast - Channel 20, Surewest - Channel 19, SIMULCAST: www.RCCTV.net/

-Training Sac State PT student in short-form FAB

-Noon-12:30pm., will be featured on local cable TV show, "Older, Fitter, Wiser". Comcast - Channel 20, Surewest - Channel 19, SIMULCAST: www.RCCTV.net/

Saturday, Sept. 24:

-Balance and mobility assessment screenings

2nd Annual Community Fall Prevention Event

Samuel Pannell Community Center

2450 Meadowview Road

Sacramento, CA 93831

(916) 4986-1876

Educate. Demonstrate. Facilitate.

The risk of falls can be reduced. Learn how to remain independent and enjoy the quality of life you deserve. Research demonstrates that the number one way to reduce the risk of fall is to engage in consistent exercise program. Click here to order a complete week of seated fall prevention exercise routines: Take 5 to Exercise DVD.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Multi-dimensional approach to fall prevention

Because there different factors that cause a person to fall, fall prevention researchers (yes, they exist and yes, I am one of them) recommend a multi-dimensional approach to fall prevention. Home environment, medication management and activity patterns have been identified as the fall risk factors that a person has a moderate ability to control. Although falls are accidents, a person can significantly reduce the risk of a fall through modification of these areas.

The 2nd Annual Community Fall Prevention event in Sacramento county will feature experts in all areas of fall risk reduction. Participants can attend educational lectures and/or be assessed in various areas of fall risk. Screenings will be offered in the following areas:

1. Vision
2. Blood Glucose
3. Foot clinic
4. Bone Density
5. Blood pressure
6. Hearing
7. Brown Bag (medications with pharmacist)
8. Senior Fitness/Balance Testing

Last year, the most popular attraction was the balance testing and we at the planning commission have predicted that the majority of people will want to be physically assessed for fall risk again this year. This year, I have a team of health and fitness professionals to assist me. I have recruited local physical therapists, fitness instructors and physical therapy students from my alma mater, CSUS, and Sac City College to assist with the Senior Fitness Tests and short-form Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale.

With the aging of the population, falls are quickly becoming a public health epidemic. As such, it takes a community to increase people about fall risk and how to reduce the risk of accidental falls. I am so excited that senior service providers in Sacramento are coming together to offer this free event to older adults in the area. It's all about collaboration and I am proud to have a multi-talented team to assist me. Thank you so much to my volunteer team!

Educate. Demonstrate. Facilitate.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Monday, September 12, 2011


In an attempt to increase awareness of falls among the older adult population and the prevention of these costly accidents, the Area 4 Agency on Aging, Kaiser Permanente, Eskaton and the City of Sacramento are sponsoring the 2nd Annual Community Fall Prevention Event. As the Fall Prevention Lady, I will be offering free balance and mobility assessments for interested participants.

Last year, my balance and mobility testing was such a hit that I have recruited the help of Sac State and Sac City Physical Therapy students in addition to volunteers from Kaiser and Eskaton's Physical Therapy departments. I have two senior fitness class instructors helping as well. Together, my team of qualified volunteers will be assessing the different fitness parameters associated with falls.

Tests that measure lower body strength, lower body flexibility and dynamic balance & agility will be offered as well as the short-form Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale. This 4-item test assesses the sensory components of balance and can be quite insightful to balance and mobility impairments.

Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011
Location: Samuel Pannell Community Center
2450 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA
Hours: 9AM- 3:30PM
Registration is required. Call (916) 486-1876

Educate. Demonstrate. Facilitate.
Fall Prevention begins with you. Increase awareness of fall risk factors and discover how you can remain independent by preventing an unnecessary fall. Take 5 to Exercise each day and you will improve flexibility, increase strength, improve posture and maintain total body balance.
Order your set of fall prevention exercise routines here: Take 5 to Exercise

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fall Prevention buzz word of the day...


Sarcopenia is the natural loss of muscle mass associated with the aging process. This muscle loss begins approximately at the age of 30. The rate of muscle decline is estimated to be 5% per decade and since sarcopenia is exasperated by inactivity, this loss of muscle mass accelerates to as much as 20% per decade after the age of 70. The good news is sarcopenia can be slowed by participating in a consistent exercise program such as Take 5 to Exercise.

Loss of lean muscle mass is the number one threat to an older adult's independence is a fall. Take 5 to Exercise is a fall prevention exercise DVD series designed to reduce the risk of a fall by guiding the viewer through seated stretching and strengthening routines. The Fall Prevention Lady, Kelly Ward, is a personal trainer and balance and mobility specialist who explains why specific exercises are important and demonstrates proper form.

There are two days of strengthening routines in the Take 5 to Exercise series. The exercises are easy to follow along with and a resistance band is included with the purchase of any Take 5 for Strength DVD and the Complete week of exercise routines. The best news is it's never too late to fight sarcopenia. You can get stronger, you can reduce the risk of a fall, you can remain independent.
Click HERE to order.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers Conference

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I was honored to present two fall prevention workshops at the Annual KAAD (Kentucky Association of Adult Day Care Centers) conference in Lexington, KY. My first presentation discussed fall risk factors and the second presentation engaged participants in a fall prevention exercise routine. Kentucky has a strong system of adult day centers that provide both medical and social services to older adults in need and reducing the risk of falls is one of those needs. It was so exciting when Governor Steve Beshear, the Attorney General and the Secretary of State stopped in to say hello at the conference!

I have met some amazing people and learned a lot about thriving adult day centers. Unfortunately California's deplorable financial situation has led to the reduction and practical elimination of such centers. One has to wonder what will happen to older adults who cannot afford medical services, to families that are caring for an aging loved one, and older adults who are living in isolation. Adult day centers provide services that help older adults remain in their homes as well as provide respite for loved ones.

My fall prevention exercise series, Take 5 to Exercise, is a practical way to reduce fall risk. These educational DVDs guide the follower through seated stretching and strengthening exercises designed to reduce the risk of fall. The Take 5 to Exercise training principles are evidence-based and proven to work when followed consistently. As a result of the poor economy, I have drastically reduced the price of these fall prevention DVDs. Invest in your future by ordering the Complete Week of Take 5 to Exercise fall prevention exercise routines. Resistance band is included with your purchase! Click HERE to order.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Frail elders in Sacramento fall prevention class show significant improvements

Even the oldest of the old can benefit from a fall prevention exercise program. In a class where the average age was 88 and most were living with multiple chronic conditions, everyone demonstrated improvement in fall-related fitness parameters after participating a 5-week balance and mobility training program.
Prior to beginning the class, the associate director of FallProof™ provided me with the FallProof™ for Frail elders program plans. Confident in the program, I progressively challenged the multisensory and musculoskeletal systems of these older adults. After 2 weeks, I noticed endurance levels improving as participants were able to complete the class with less fatigue (and less complaining!).
After 3 weeks, postures showed tremendous improvement as participants stood taller and quickly responded to verbal cuing. But mostly, participants shared "ah-ha" moments each week as they experienced benefits of training in their everyday lives.
I can talk about observations and realizations all day long but the truth is in the numbers. Numbers derived by pre- and post-class assessment testing. Each person in the class improved in at least one area of fitness related to fall risk. The greatest improvement was in a 91 year old lady who uses a scooter and a cane for mobility.

Listen to her numbers....
  • She increased her lower body flexibility by 6.5 inches
  • She increased her lower body strength by being able to get out of the chair 7 times using her hands compared to ZERO at pre-test
  • She improved dynamic balance by being able to get up and walk around a cone 4.8 seconds faster!
Amazing. This lady is so grateful for this class and I am so grateful she was in the class.

The stretching and strengthening exercises are all in my seated exercise DVD series, Take 5 to Exercise. The Basic 5 stretches are beneficial to everyone, regardless of age.

The moral of the blog is that it's never too late to benefit from consistent exercise program. People in the class wished they knew me 10 years ago....don't look back in 10 years and say, I wish I had listened....get active today! Order your set of fall prevention exercise DVDs and make the time to Take 5 to Exercise each day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Person living with disability praises benefits of fall prevention exercise

At 65 years of age, she is the youngest person in this class. Although she is the baby of the group, she is living with disabilities that challenge her balance more than her older classmates' conditions. After 3 weeks of balance and mobility training, everyone in the group is showing marked improvement however today this lady (I'll call her Wendy) stayed after class to talk with me about her balance.

Living with essential tremor and dystonia, this remarkable woman is completely aware of her balance problems and the need to engage in a consistent fall prevention program in order to stop falling. Wendy has been front row for every session, soaking up the information and practicing each exercise with intense concentration and focused determination. She said the class was challenging but it was exactly what she needed to help understand her condition and how it affects her balance.

Wendy was all smiles today as she told me how her neighbors have commented on her improved posture during her daily walks. She said that this class has taught her how her posture is directly related to her balance and the things she must do in order to prevent another fall. In my Take 5 for Posture seated fall prevention exercise DVD series, I demonstrate some of the exact exercises that have benefited Wendy so much. I know it's not the same as having me there in person to correct you but I do a pretty good job on the DVD and you will do fine following along.

One of the most important things Wendy is doing to reduce the risk of another fall is to continue her balance and mobility training program. I will be teaching both a beginner and an intermediate level class at her church however she is deciding to repeat the beginner level. I think this is great because even I learn something new each session. She is determined to improve her balance skills and by making the time to Take 5 to Exercise each day, she will! Praise the Lord.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Frail elderly reduce fall risk after balance and mobility class | Senior Exercise Videos

Everyone in the FallProof™ for Frail adults balance and mobility class held at St. John's Retirement Village improved in at least one fitness parameter related to fall risk! Wooo-hooooooooooooo..... Frail elderly reduce fall risk after balance and mobility class | Senior Exercise Videos

Age alone does not indicate fall risk

1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 who live in the community will fall each year. When I do fall prevention presentations, I always ask who has fallen or who is concerned about falling. Between those two questions, nearly every hand goes up. Are fall prevention statistics under estimated? Perhaps. Regardless of the statistics, the number of falls is expected to increase drastically as baby boomers advance in age.

In a recent class, there were two ladies (aged 86 and 87) who were similar in many accounts. Both live independently in the community, neither one uses an assistive device for mobility and both have fallen within the past year. This is the exact person FallProof™ was designed to help. Pre-test scores indicated that the 87 year old had significantly less lower body flexibility however she scored better in dynamic balance and agility.

What I find interesting is the post-class results. The same 87 year old increased lower body flexibility by 2.8 inches and improved dynamic balance nearly 2 seconds. The 86 year old increased lower body flexibility by 2 inches but lost one tenth of a second on dynamic balance. Both ranked in the 85th percentile of lower body strength.

Pre S&R Post S&R Pre CS Post CS Pre 8UG Post 8UG
86 yo 5 7 0 14 7.6 7.7
87 yo -4.8 -1 0 14 7.1 5.4

Two average older ladies. Two very similar women who resemble your neighbor, your mother, your grandmother. Who is at greater fall risk? It would be fascinating to follow these two ladies for a year and test again. As of today, they are the same in lower body strength however the younger one demonstrates greater lower body flexibility and the older one is appreciably more agile. I think I just found a project for myself......

I am blessed to have the opportunity to educate older adults about fall risk factors, demonstrate evidence-based fall prevention exercises and facilitate ongoing compliance to an exercise routine. I love what I do and I encourage everyone to Take 5 to Exercise each day. Take 5 is my seated fall prevention DVD series and it is a perfect place for beginners to start from the comfort of home. Let's see which of these 2 ladies decides to Take 5 to Exercise each day....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hottest trend in fall prevention exercise classes hits Sacramento

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I teach balance and mobility training classes in the Sacramento region. These fall prevention exercise classes meet twice a week for 4-weeks and enrollment is closed after the second class. These beginner level classes are perfect for older adults who have not exercised in years, who have been released from physical therapy but are not ready for community-based 'senior fitness' classes, anyone who has fallen or is concerned about falling.

I have been teaching summer sessions at Parkside Community Church, Clarksburg Community Church, Fremont Presbyterian Church and St. John's Retirement Village. I started at Parkside with a beginner level and now offer intermediate and advanced levels for those who have completed the first level of balance training. These training sessions are progressively challenging and build on skills taught in the first few classes which is why a person cannot join after the first week.

I have just added two new class locations to my September schedule. I will be teaching at the Senior Connection in Fair Oaks and the Carmichael Presbyterian Church. I also added two classes to the October schedule; I will be teaching classes at the Asian Community Center and the Swanston Community Center. And guess what? I have plenty of time in my schedule for more classes!

If you live in the Sacramento region and are interested in hosting or attending a FallProof™ balance and mobility training session, contact me, the Fall Prevention Lady.

Do it for your independence. Do it for your loved ones. Do it for you.
Email: info@thefallpreventionlady.com
Telephone: 916-821-5715.
Please note: There is a reasonable cost to attend these classes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Advanced FallProof™ balance and mobility class in Sacramento | Senior Exercise Videos

Advanced FallProof™ balance and mobility class in Sacramento | Senior Exercise Videos

Fall Prevention exercise incorporates purposeful play

As a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), I have studied and appreciate the value of recreation and leisure activities for the physical, emotional, spiritual and social benefits. However the "games" we played as children are not only fun but also therapeutic. When engaged in regularly, purposeful play has the potential to improve the quality of life for older adults by reducing the risk of falls.

I currently offer progressively challenging FallProof™ balance and mobility training to older adults living in the Sacramento region. As a certified instructor, I follow Dr. Rose's professionally-designed program plan to safely challenge participants (she does NOT encourage creativity for a reason...she knows what works!). I constantly remind people that this is not a senior fitness class but these are intimate group training classes.

Sound serious? It is! Falls are a severe problem among older adults and preventing falls is a serious matter. I take what I do seriously but FallProof™ balance and mobility training is not all work; these balance and mobility classes are fun, too! Each class incorporates a "culminating activity" that challenges the skills taught in daily lesson.

Purposeful Play. I am continually learning the value of the games I played as a kid as I have my older adult participants "play" in class. The only difference is now I'm teaching how to remain balanced. Purposeful play....reducing the risk of falls and having fun!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kelly Ward's Fall Prevention workshop @ Resources for Independent Living...

As the Fall Prevention Lady, I love educating people about increasing fall risk factors and demonstrating effective fall prevention exercises. I was thrilled when fellow Northern California Fall Prevention Coalition member Tommy Yang of Resources for Independent Living (RIL) asked me to do a fall prevention presentation at his facility.

Although I designed and present a 3-hour interactive workshop for the City of Sacramento's 50+ Wellness grant program, Stand UP to Falls, I can customize the length of my presentation to meet the needs of the audience and facility. In this one-hour workshop for the RIL, I talked about fall risk factors and the components of an effective fall prevention exercise routine.

If you are interesting in a fall prevention workshop at your facility, please contact me! Fall Prevention Week is quickly approaching and I would love to educate your residents about fall risk factors, demonstrate fall prevention exercises and facilitate individualized compliance!

Take 5 to Exercise each day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FallProof™ recertification weekend

Falls are the leading cause of accidental death and injury for adults over the age of 65 (CDC, 2005). With more than 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 EACH DAY, something must be done to PREVENT these falls. Fall prevention researchers have demonstrated that participating in consistent exercise program is the number one way to reduce the risk of a fall. It's that easy.....Take 5 to Exercise each day.

FallProof™ balance and mobility program is one of the leading fall prevention programs in the country. Dr. Debra Rose's progressively challenging program begins with a thorough assessment which results in individualized programming in order to help each person maximally challenge her/his balance abilities safely. FallProof™ instructors are trained not only in these assessment procedures but also training principles.

Just as candidates for FallProof™ must meet specific criteria, so must FallProof™ instructors. Once a person is accepted into the online training program, she/he must go to the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence for a 3-day practical exam. During this time, potential instructors observe, practice and perform the tasks required for certification. Once a person is certified, she/he must meet minimum criteria within a two year period in order to be recertified.

I have met the requirements of recertification but will be observing the FallProof™ certification weekend at the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence because I love this program and want to learn more so I can be the best I can be. I am so excited about networking with other certified FallProof™ instructors from across the country; learning from their successes and failures and sharing my experiences teaching this fall prevention exercise program in the community.

Lastly, I am excited about working with new instructors. I was there and I know how it feels. I am sharing a room with a well-established fall prevention trainer from Portland and I am carpooling from Fresno with a PT student from CSUFresno. But mostly, I am looking forward to talking with Dr. Rose! She developed this amazing program and she is my mentor!

Nothing but GOOD THINGS will come from this weekend.
Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Awareness of balance systems prevents future fall

I just completed the beginner level session of the community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility training program at Clarksburg Community Church. At the beginning of the third week, participants in this progressively challenging fall prevention exercise class starting to talk about the noticeable changes they were feeling. People proudly shared their July 4th stories, stating how they were able to do things they couldn't do last year or how they noticed a potentially dangerous situation and avoided it or approached it cautiously to prevent a fall. Awareness of fall risk factors coupled with an awareness of FallProof™ training techniques result in safer behaviors which results in reduced risk of a fall.

As their instructor, I immediately notice differences in individual movement patterns and exercise form. I see postures improve, endurance levels increase and balance confidence escalate as people attempt balance challenges that were previously avoided or attempted hesitantly. However the results of this balance training program are not mere observations. Using standardized testing procedures, I collect data (before and after participating in the class) to measure fitness parameters directly related to fall risk.

After the 4-week FallProof™ balance and mobility intervention at Clarksburg Community Church, the 9 participants demonstrated unanimous improvement in dynamic balance and agility, lower body flexibility and/or lower body strength! Everyone improved in at least one category while most improved in all three tests. The greatest improvements were seen in participants who struggled the most during the assessment testing or were more physically deconditioned. In fact, one lady not only improved the number of times she was able to get out of the chair but also DID NOT HAVE TO USE HER HANDS to get out of the chair during evaluation testing! Woo-hoo!

Due to summer heat and crazy schedules, I will not be teaching in July or August at Clarksburg but will resume teaching an intermediate and beginner level in September. During the last session I received so much positive feedback about the class, especially how an increased awareness of fall risk factors and the body systems involved in balance have helped reduce and/or prevent a fall situation. Get educated, get active and Take 5 to Exercise every day!

Praise the Lord!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Progressively challenging exercise program improves balance

Teaching community-based classes, I work with people of different fitness levels and physical abilities. These differences are especially evident with the older population since aging is a unique process for each of us and no two people are the same. What we are living with today is a combination of different genetics, daily choices and lifelong habits. Regardless of where you come from, I am here to help you reduce the risk of a fall now and in the future!

In spite of this individuality, I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from starting with the basics since proper movement starts with proper form. In actuality, most movement dysfunction and mobility limitation is the result of years of compensation. For example, an 82 year old person who twisted her ankle when she was 8 years old but didn't go to the doctor has been compensating for that lack of flexibility for 74 years! Now her knee and hip hurt and she is high fall risk.

The bad news is fitness and wellness were not popular in the good 'ol days. The good news is the prevention of disease and disability is finally gaining national recognition. Fitness and rehabilitation professions have progressed and there is so much knowledge about the human body that was unknown 10 years ago. It might be too late prevent a chronic disease but it is never too late to learn how to manage a condition and improve one's well being.

The FallProof™ balance and mobility training program starts with the basics and progressively challenges the systems involved in balance. For this reason, I close enrollment after the second class. I build upon training concepts so if a person misses forward step strategy, it is not safe to teach her/him the backward step strategy. If a person is not competent at the beginner level skills, then it is not safe for her/him to advance to the intermediate level of training.

The bottom line: Each of us has different physical abilities and challenges. It is important to respect these limitations and understand that not everyone will improve at the same rate. Whatever the circumstance, safety is always, always, always the primary concern. Be patient, be safe and progressively challenge balance skills at the rate that is appropriate for YOU. Start with a basic seated exercise routine, Take 5 to Exercise, and begin the best journey of your life!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fall prevention class on the Delta in Clarksburg...

I am blessed to teach older adults how to reduce the risk of falls. I encourage seniors to begin a consistent exercise routine (Take 5 to Exercise) and I am a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility training specialist. I have been teaching the FallProof™ training techniques throughout Sacramento since my certification in 2009 and have been following the exact fall prevention training program since finishing my masters degree.

Most recently, I started teaching FallProof™ at the Clarksburg Community Church in the small town of Clarksburg, California. Clarksburg is a river town in the Delta with wineries, piers and lots of boats. Parish nurse Lynelle Wallace attended one of my classes at Parkside Community Church and knew that a fall prevention exercise class was needed in her community. After talking to her congregation, Nell and I coordinated days and times and bam...I have 10 participants enrolled for the first ever FallProof™ balance and mobility class in Clarksburg, CA!

The first week went splendid! After an eye opening assessment testing, the participants are learning about strength, flexibility, posture and how these components affect one's balance. They are not only learning but doing the exercises.

I have to say that feeling "sore" after the first few classes is normal. Although I don't like my participants to feel sore, it happens. The more sedentary and out of shape a person is, the more likely she/he will experience some type of muscle discomfort afterward. I apologize in advance for any discomfort you may feel but your body will adapt to these new demands.

4-week Beginner FallProof™ balance and mobility training information:
Clarksburg Community Church
52910 Netherlands Road
Clarksburg, CA 95612

June 14/16,21/23, 28/30, 2011: Tuesday/Thursday, 10-11am.
July 5/7, 2011: Tuesday/Thursday, 11:30-12:30p

Beginner and Intermediate class to be offered in July, 2011!
Praise the LORD!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Prior faller uses step strategy and prevents another fall

A student in my advanced FallProof™ balance and mobility class shared the one of the greatest success stories in class and I had to share it with you.....On Friday, Joyce explained how she used the step strategy that we have been practicing in class to regain her balance and saved herself from a fall! She grinned ear to ear as she recalled side stepping to recover her balance and said that she would have fallen if she had not learned the step strategy and even though her right leg is weaker, she stepped out in a timely manner and was able to regain her balance. YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY Joyce!

This highly educated woman is in her mid-70s, lives alone in the community and is concerned about falling. She's concerned for good reason....she tripped and fell last summer, fracturing her pelvis. Determined to regain her strength, she excelled in physical therapy. After a speedy recovery, she wanted to improve her balance skills and gain self-confidence. Having attended two of my fall prevention workshops, she was familiar with the FallProof™ balance and mobility techniques and she immediately registered for the 4-week beginner class. She continued on with the twice a week training at the intermediate level and is now in the advanced FallProof™ class that I teach!

Research indicates that a person who falls is 3 times more likely to fall again however this lady took an active role in her recovery and was determined to sharpen her balance skills, build strength and improve flexibility in order to prevent another fall. I am so proud of her for coming to class each week, pushing herself out of her comfort zone by practicing "scary" moves in a safe manner and mostly, for sticking with it!

FallProof™ works. The balance and mobility training techniques are evidence-based and can prevent a fall when practiced consistently. Take responsibility for your well-being! Find a certified FallProof™ instructor and start training your balance systems. If there is not a specialist near you, start with the basics by doing seated exercises to strengthen your body and follow gentle stretching routines designed to improve range of motion. Order my Take 5 to Exercise DVDs to get started today.

Once again....YAY JOYCE!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

St. John’s Retirement Village’s “A Walk to Remember”…

On June 4th, 2011 St. John’s Retirement Village in Woodland, California will be holding the “A Walk to Remember” to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease. During this community event, there will also be a speaker, a dog agility exhibition and brain-related health and wellness events such as memory screenings. I have been invited to do balance and mobility assessments and provide fall prevention materials and resources and am excited about connecting with this community near UCDavis.

I love doing these quick fitness tests because they offer me the chance to educate older adults about the importance of each fitness parameter being measured. For instance, using Rikli & Jones’ Senior Fitness Test I can measure 10 dimensions of fitness. The best thing about these fitness tests is that I am able to immediately show the older adult where she/he ranks in comparison to adults of similar age and gender on each test.

SJRV’s Walk to Remember is an excellent opportunity to educate about the importance of the walking gait since how a person walks can be an indicator of fall risk. Walking is an excellent exercise to remain independent but the other components of fitness (strength, flexibility, balance and endurance) affect how a person walks.

So come out to St. John’s Retirement Village in Woodland at 9 am on June 4th for the “Walk to Remember”. I will be there doing balance and mobility assessments, providing education, and if possible, offering my Take 5 to Exercise DVDs at a special discounted rate. There will memory screenings, other local vendors and the walk is a great way to not only stay fit but also increase awareness of Alzheimer’s disease in the local community!

The Fall Prevention Lady

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fall Prevention speaker at KAAD

The administrator of American Health Management system in Kentucky has invited me to be a keynote speaker at the KAAD conference in August! The Kentucky Association of Adult Day centers is a professional organization whose motto is to Activate, Motivate and Rehabilitate. I love it! These adult day centers provide care to those who need assistance in daily life and offer respite for those who provide care for those individuals.

I have attended my fair share of conferences and I love learning. It is an honor to be the one who will be presenting! Even though I have been presenting fall prevention workshops throughout the Sacramento region for two years, it's a dream come true that i will be presenting to professionals. In Kentucky! Talk about growth!

Praise the Lord!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Eskaton Preferred Vendor, 2011

Eskaton is Northern California's premier nonprofit provider of community living and home-based support for older adults. Eskaton offers older adults living options designed to meet the individual's changing needs ranging from 100% independent apartment living to 100% monitored memory care units. This "aging in place" approach to retirement living provides adult children and family members the peace of mind knowing that their beloved will be safe and her/his needs will be met, regardless of any limitation or challenge.
I am proud to announce that Eskaton has added The Fall Prevention Lady's "comprehensive fall prevention services" to the Eskaton 2011 Preferred Vendor list! This is such an honor, I cannot express my joy! Click here to learn more about the Preferred Vendor program.
Falls are leading cause of accidental death and can rob a person of her/his independence immediately. Eskaton wants residents to remain independent, thus Eskaton promotes activities that promote connected independence. I am looking forward to offering my services to residents within Eskaton living communities and those adults still living at home. Not only will my fall prevention exercises help keep residents in their home but also improve the quality of life while living there!
I am so excited to be approved to be an Eskaton Preferred Vendor because I am excited about teaching residents how to reduce the risk of falls in order to thrive. Remain independent, work with The Fall Prevention Lady!

In Gratitude,
The Fall Prevention Lady

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fall Prevention 101 workshop in Elk Grove, CA... | Senior Exercise Videos

Educational, interactive balance and mobility workshop designed to reduce the risk of falls. Grant-funded=free to participants.

Fall Prevention 101 workshop in Elk Grove, CA... | Senior Exercise Videos: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

2011 "Aging in America" Conference in San Francisco, CA | Senior Exercise Videos

2011 "Aging in America" Conference in San Francisco, CA | Senior Exercise Videos: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Time to move?

Back in the early 2000s, I was a caregiver for a motorcycle racing legend, Paul Albrecht. Paul defined Harley Davidson and the classic 'bad boy' image associated with motorcycles. Paul lost his hearing due to the loud pipes but that didn't stop him from living alone until the age of 86. I used to sit and write with him for hours. He was a classic and I grew fond of Paul.

Several months ago at one of my fall prevention workshops, a man introduced himself and said he recognized me from Paul's funeral. Ray was a referee on the motorcycle circuit back in the day and he knew Paul well. Ray is 96 years old, exercises daily, still sharp as a tack, witty as a rant, and yes, he still drives!

Last week, Ray showed up at my community-based FallProof™ class. However he didn't come to exercise. He wanted to talk. At lunch, Ray he told me that he is getting weaker and it's scaring him. Ray lives alone and has never had a problem doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it. I reassured him that feeling weak was par for the course for a 96 year old man. I asked what I could do....

Ray is extremely prepared for the end of life. He has made all the big decisions; where he will live when he needs assistance, who will sell his house, and how his money will be distributed. But he's not there yet. He still lives alone in a big house. His niece in Arizona is ready for him but having lived in Sacramento for 96 years, he's not ready for Arizona. How is a 96 year old man supposed to get rid of stuff, lots of stuff in an organized manner?

As a recent member of Serving Our Seniors, I have met two ladies who have companies that assist older adults and families in downsizing and relocating; Smooth Transitions and Getting It Together In Sacramento. At today's Older Adult Collaborative meeting, I spoke with each lady and they both recognized the sensitivity of this issue. Ray has history in his home and Ray has pride. The biggest step was his expressing his concern. It is up to me to connect him to the appropriate resource. I will give Ray both numbers and let him decide.

The moral? Prepare. Make your plans but mostly, be sensitive to your limitations. You will know when it's time to move. You don't have to do it alone....Seek out a local relocating company to assist with the move. That's what they're there for!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fall prevention spokesperson

During my fall prevention exercise research study, I had the opportunity to meet some of the most dynamic older adults in my life. In fact, each one of my 30 study participants touched me in a very special way and I hope to keep in touch with each one over the years. There is one lady who just makes my heart smile. She was the first person in the study group, the first to complete the three levels of the FallProof™ at Home series and she demonstrated the most significant improvement in post-testing.
While walking to the gym today, I stopped in to visit my "protege". She calls herself my protege because the quality of her life has improved so much since participating in my fall prevention research study. At 83 years of age, this woman looks fabulous! Her posture has improved dramatically and she exudes an effervescent glow. She feels so good that she's going to visit a high school friend in Palms Spring this year. She was beaming as she told me about the two male 60-somethings that now sit with her during meals. She is confident, she is strong, she is thriving. She is truly the result of compliance to a professionally designed program designed to reduce the risk of falls. I LOVE HER!
The good news is she continues to follow along with the FallProof™ at Home and my Take 5 to Exercise DVDs. She said that she absolutely loves her Take 5 for Flexibility DVD and that was her favorite until I gave her the Take 5 for Posture DVD. She loves it and says she talks to me everyday while exercising!
As I talked to her in her apartment, I couldn't help but notice the view of the capitol building across the street. A light went on in my head: this woman attributes her well-being and current state of health to the FallProof™ balance and mobility DVDs and my Take 5 for Flexibility DVD. As an advocate for older adults, I envision this lady speaking to legislators about the benefits of a regular exercise. The beauty of it is that my Take 5 to Exercise program and Dr. Rose's FallProof at Home series are senior exercise videos that are available on DVD for use at home. This type of fall prevention program not only works but is also affordable.

Planting political seeds in Sacramento?
The Fall Prevention Lady

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A "fun" fall prevention exercise class

I have been teaching group exercise classes to older adults in the Sacramento region for several years. Specifically, the implementation of fall prevention exercise routines has been my area of expertise since my gerontology internship with the Area 4 Agency on Aging in 2006 and the production of my seated exercise program, Take 5 to Exercise. Current research has identified multiple causes of falls and researchers agree that following a consistent exercise program is the number one way to reduce the risk of a fall.

As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility instructor, I am trained in Dr. Debra Rose's nationally recognized fall prevention exercise program to progressively challenge the body's balance systems.

Yesterday, I overheard several participants talking about how "fun" the class was. They were laughing and smiling after engaging in a one-hour class that focused on training the visual system and practicing gait pattern enhancement variation training.

The key to successful aging is to remain active. In order to stick with a program, it is essential that a person does something she/he enjoys. The community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility exercise classes are not only fun but also designed to reduce the risk of fall. This program is evidence-based, meaning it works when you work it. Give it a try. Otherwise, the only thing you have to lose is your independence....

The Fall Prevention Lady

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FallProof™ balance & mobility classes in Sacramento!

I am officially teaching community-based FallProof™ balance and mobility classes in the communities of Sacramento. FallProof™ is a 12-week balance and mobility exercise program designed to reduce the risk of falls among higher functioning older adults. The class meets twice a week for one-hour sessions and yes, there is homework. Or as I like to call it...homeplay!

The first Sacramento-based FallProof™ session started at Parkside Community Church in South Sacramento. I am offering the evidence-based fall risk reduction program in 4-week segments; beginner, intermediate, and advanced. FallProof™ is a progressively challenging program that builds on skills learned the first day of class. Therefore, enrollment is closed to new participants after the second class.

There are 17 participants in this first community-based FallProof™ session and their ages range from 58 to 91 years old! Two people use a walker and one uses a cane as an assistive device for mobility. Despite these limitations, they are participating in the gait pattern variation enhancement training segment and I am so excited to see them engaged in activity the entire class period.

This is the first of many FallProof™ classes that I plan on offering to local communities. If you want to participate in one of the top fall prevention exercise programs in the United States, sign up at one of the following locations:
MEET twice a week for 4 weeks
Parkside Community Church: Beginner and Intermediate level in May and June, 2011

Once a week Introductory class
Howe Park: 6-week Beginner level in May, 2011
Once a week
Cordova Senior Activity Center: Beginner and intermediate level in May, 2011
Atria El Camino Gardens: Beginner level in May, 2011

Contact me if you are interested in setting up a FallProof™ class in your community or facility. Email: livinfit@gmail.com

Praise the Lord.
The Fall Prevention Lady

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Balance and Mobility class in South Sacramento

I am offering a 4-week balance and mobility class that meets twice a week at Parkside Community Church in South Sacramento. This class is open to beginners. In other words, people who haven't exercised in years or those who were exercising but travel, an illness or a fall interrupted their routine are invited to join this class.

The first class was Monday and I was so excited to have 17 participants register and attend the first session! Although people come from different backgrounds and have different physical abilities, it was encouraging to discover that everyone has one thing in common; a concern about falling.

As a certified FallProof™ balance and mobility instructor, I am implementing the evidence-based training techniques that have successfully reduced fall risk and increased balance confidence for thousands of older adults. Each class will get progressively more difficult since the goal is to challenge yet not exceed one's abilities.

I am so excited older adults in the local area are taking responsibility for their well being and getting educated about how to reduce the risk of falling. My goal is to educate, demonstrate and facilitate the development of individualized exercise programs that adults will follow at home in order to reduce the risk of falling.

Take 5 to Exercise..... I encourage you to join the May session!
The Fall Prevention Lady

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fall Prevention at the Therapeutic Recreation Institute

In order to remain current on trends in their field, professionals are often required to complete a certain number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) each year.
The reason for the such requirements is because the fields of personal training, fall prevention and recreation are constantly growing. Trends continually change and as a result of evidence-based research, effective and efficient techniques gradually emerge. One of the best places to get these CEUs is by attending professional conferences. Not only does a person get to learn from cohort's experiences but also is able to network with industry leaders.

This year, the CPRS annual conference was held in Sacramento and offered the "Therapeutic Recreation Institute" specifically for recreation therapists. The all-day event provided breakout sessions and plenty of opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals. I was particularly thrilled to meet Dr. Ken Mobily of the University of Iowa who was the opening keynote speaker and offered an afternoon session about strength training and fall prevention.

I was ecstatic as I listened to Dr. Mobily talk about the same the topics I cover in my fall prevention exercise presentations. There were a few different approaches to balance training but he and I decided that those differences provide the basis for a great research study! I appreciated his wisdom about program structure and consider him a mentor of mine. I am grateful for meeting this remarkable professor and the Therapeutic Recreation Institution.

A person can remain independent by following a consistent exercise program that includes flexibility, strength, balance and endurance training. The less you do, the weaker you become, especially in the 8th decade of life. The weaker you are, the greater the risk of falling.

The moral? Take 5 to Exercise each day to remain independent. It's never too late to benefit from an exercise program. Start simple. As Dr. Mobily said, "the best piece of equipment is a sturdy chair". Take 5 to Exercise offers seated exercise routines designed to reduce the risk of a fall. Order yours today.

The Fall Prevention Lady